[Ubiquiti] nouvelle gamme Unifi Video et nouvelles versions d’UniFi Video 3.0.2 / UVC 3.0.3 / airCam 3.0.3

A l’occasion de la sortie de sa nouvelle gamme de caméras vidéo UniFi Video, Ubiquiti nous gratifie d’une version « unifiée » du matériel [1] et de nouvelles versions des logiciels correspondants [2].

A noter le point suivant du second lien qui indique que la gamme airVision devient UniFi Video, et que airVision ne sera plus mise à jour.

Upgrade notes for airVision 2.x users

1. Use caution when upgrading from airVision, it is recommended to back up your data. UniFi Video installer will do its best to migrate your recordings and settings.

2. UniFi Video is not airVision – it aims to provide superior reliability for the surveillance system. This comes with tighter coupling of all cameras with the controller software, which means that there are no ways left to control cameras with third party software after the firmware upgrade to 3.0. Feature-wise, this translates to:


1. Use caution when upgrading from airVision, it is recommended to back up your data. UniFi V

  • Firmware 3.0 is designed specifically for UniFi Video
  • RTSP is not supported in 3.0 firmware (it might still be accessible on some models)
  • WebUI of the devices is reduced to provide only the basic functionality to hook your cameras to the controller

3. For Linux based deployments of UniFi Video, please note a new user and group ID is used. Please check to confirm ownership is set to « unifi-video:unifi-video » for any custom path to store video recordings. The previous « airvision:airvision » owner and group ID is no longer used and may cause a loss of recordings if ownership of custom path to videos is not updated.

4. airVision 2.x will EOL in a future release of UniFi Video. Please note that airVision 2.x will no longer be patched or improved until then.


[1] http://uv.ubnt.com/hardware.html#UnifiVideoCamera

[2] http://community.ubnt.com/t5/UniFi-Video-Blog/UniFi-Video-3-0-2-UVC-3-0-3-airCam-3-0-3-Release/ba-p/801836

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